Hands On Fallout 4 NextGen Runs Great on PS5 But Some Old Problems Persist

Fall in, Fallout.

Ah, the Commonwealth. A great example of dense open world design, Fallout 4 still has its charms almost a full decade after its original release in 2015. We've spent a good ten hours or so with the game's freshly launched PS5 version, and we're here to report on our findings with regards to technical performance. For the record, we'll be doing a full review in the near future as well — but for now, consider this an appetiser.

Bolstered by the recent Amazon Fallout show, interest in Bethesda's open world RPG has hit an impressive high. But those who are completely new to Fallout 4 may not realise how... clunky the title was almost ten years ago, back on the PS4. To be fair, it was by far Bethesda's most competent console release — it wasn't littered with crashing issues like Fallout 3, New Vegas, or even Skyrim on the PS3 — but its shoddy frame rate and lengthy load times left something to be desired.

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