Feature Johns PS1 Memories

Confessions of an ex-SEGA kid.

I was a teenager in the middle of the nineties and like any other teenage boy in the middle of the nineties I cared about just one thing and it was f****** disgusting — Sonic the Hedgehog. Yes, it’s confession time, oh readers of Push Square. Growing up I was a SEGA kid which is probably the root cause of around 85% of my neuroses. I bloody loved Sonic the Hedgehog, and played it day and night.

We didn’t have the Internet in the village I grew up in until sometime in the year 2000. This meant two things. First, I had no idea what a naked woman looked like until some time in the year 2000. Second, I had no access to video game news other than through magazines that my parents would occasionally buy for me, and those were usually fiercely on brand SEGA mags that weren’t known for painting competing consoles in a particularly flattering light.

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